Water Engineering, Aalto University School of Science and Technology
P.O.Box 15200, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland
Last modified on Apr-2010 (webmaster)

What is Sustainable Global Technologies Programme?

The Sustainable Global Technologies programme is a multidiciplinary programme in the Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) and it is administered from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The programme aims to increase awareness, education and research in the fields of sustainability, development and technology.

Our Goals

To achieve the target the programme aims to create long-term research and educational institutional partnerships between Finnish universities and developing world universities, enhance collaboration between knowledge institutions and international organisations and to offer education that combines viewpoints from technology and development.


The programme offers education for • Master's students as well as for graduated and experienced persons who want to deepen their competence in sustainability issues • Continuing Education.

The programme has started in 2006.

News & Events

All SGT course information will be on the study and teaching portal Noppa.



Sustainable Communities continuing education course in Kenya 24th August to 4th September 2009. TKK Dipoli in collaboration with the Asian Institute of Technology, UN-HABITAT and UNEP.



